Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Peddle fever (with apologies to John Masefield)

I must get out on my bike again, on the open road in the saddle,
With tyres tight and Lycra light and toes strapped to the peddle.

The rain may fall and glasses mist and vista’s dull and dim,
But lungs will fill to bursting, for the climbs so steep and grim.

So I must get out on my bike again, for the rush that hits the senses
The breath of wind on open skin and the excitement it dispenses. 

What I need is a trusty steed well oiled, both it and me,
And luck that I’m blessed with bon santé not any malady.

Yes I will go out on my bike again and roam as by my fancy
By well worn track or path not trod, even if bare and chancy,

And all I ask is a full hip flask, as a way to curb my fear,

And when days is done and race is run a lovely cup of cheer.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

To Be Fair.....

When angels are rewarded with farthings
But talentless, tasteless, titillations with gold  
How can we say our culture is caring?
Or our feeling for others not cold?
When justice is another good for sale
And for the poor it is all but denied
Inequality is hiding under the veil
Worn by leaders with specious pride.
When tolerance for difference and strangers
Is missing, ignorant prejudice abounds,
It’s clear that humanity is in danger
Unless some new outlook is found,
Then “to be fair” as a preface is shot

Because “to be honest” we’re not.

Sunday, 2 November 2014



What is it you want to be
The zenith to which you aspire?
And to get it, will you perspire
Or turn a subtler key.
Maybe rely on your family tree,
Not work for each step higher
Just be gifted your hearts desire,
And settle at the top for free.
It must be better to rise on merit
To ride the energetic wave
Embracing the highs and the lows
Only qualities we should inherit
To be strong and to be brave
So to win despite the blows

Saturday, 18 October 2014


What is truth, is it black and white
Is honesty in deed the best policy?
Are those with the might always right
Does power corrupt us, absolutely?

For the answers do we look to others
In sundry media, assorted opinions.
But do we look under the covers
Are these leaders or merely minions

Who is it tells us what to say and think?
And can we seek the meaning through?
Or is it into conformity we sink?
And what their saying must be true.

The more we probe for candour
The more we cogitate and verify
Awareness we begin to gander
And no more need to clarify.

When told that it is for certain
Black is black no white or brown
If we only glimpse behind the curtain
We see that up is really down


Au firmament le soleil a brillé
Et pour un court instant s'en est allé
Voici le jour où le monde apparaît
Dans le flot temporel d'un cur qui naît
Du gouffre ténébreux l'aube s’élève
Au sommet du chêne où monte la sève
Solennelle s'épuisant en serments
Et promesses trahies au fil du temps
La vie est courte en sa rude saison
On en ignore le sens la raison
Il est absent à travers tous les âges
Le sauveur de la pluie et des orages
Et nostalgique l'imagination
Refait le monde et la création
Le temps d' une vie le temps d'un mystère
Le soleil illuminera la terre
Pour un instant il la réchauffera
Et comme il est venu il s'en ira

Richard Sage 

Jean-Pierre Mallet

Empire and Art

We all recall the enigmatic smile
Of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo
But less the House of Valois know
Or of King Francis his patron’s profile
And the origin of renaissance style.
To him the then people of France bestow
The title “Le Pere de Lettres”  to show
His importance as a bibliophile.
So which one has best stood the test of time?
The philanthropic king and all his deeds
Now at Fontainebleau they pay him no heed
You queue in Paris to see her sublime
 “ La Gioconda” with her vacant gaze.
Art is immortal, empire decays.