Saturday, 18 October 2014


What is truth, is it black and white
Is honesty in deed the best policy?
Are those with the might always right
Does power corrupt us, absolutely?

For the answers do we look to others
In sundry media, assorted opinions.
But do we look under the covers
Are these leaders or merely minions

Who is it tells us what to say and think?
And can we seek the meaning through?
Or is it into conformity we sink?
And what their saying must be true.

The more we probe for candour
The more we cogitate and verify
Awareness we begin to gander
And no more need to clarify.

When told that it is for certain
Black is black no white or brown
If we only glimpse behind the curtain
We see that up is really down


Au firmament le soleil a brillé
Et pour un court instant s'en est allé
Voici le jour où le monde apparaît
Dans le flot temporel d'un cur qui naît
Du gouffre ténébreux l'aube s’élève
Au sommet du chêne où monte la sève
Solennelle s'épuisant en serments
Et promesses trahies au fil du temps
La vie est courte en sa rude saison
On en ignore le sens la raison
Il est absent à travers tous les âges
Le sauveur de la pluie et des orages
Et nostalgique l'imagination
Refait le monde et la création
Le temps d' une vie le temps d'un mystère
Le soleil illuminera la terre
Pour un instant il la réchauffera
Et comme il est venu il s'en ira

Richard Sage 

Jean-Pierre Mallet

Empire and Art

We all recall the enigmatic smile
Of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo
But less the House of Valois know
Or of King Francis his patron’s profile
And the origin of renaissance style.
To him the then people of France bestow
The title “Le Pere de Lettres”  to show
His importance as a bibliophile.
So which one has best stood the test of time?
The philanthropic king and all his deeds
Now at Fontainebleau they pay him no heed
You queue in Paris to see her sublime
 “ La Gioconda” with her vacant gaze.
Art is immortal, empire decays.